15 Bytes
15 Bytes is a publication of Artists of Utah, the state's non-profit digital art magazine. 15 Bytes has the most extensive archive of Utah-oriented writers. The monthly magazine also includes a variety of "Daily Bytes" on the site. Since 2013, 15 Bytes has archived the work of poets and authors, and offers free literary programming that includes READ Local First (excerpts of new works by established and emerging Utah writers); READ Local Onsite (reading series pairing emerging with established authors); the annual 15 Bytes Book Awards (in categories of fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry and art book); and regular book reviews, interviews and articles. 15 Bytes also promotes live readings and includes recordings of readings and talks on its site. A community-based effort promoting professional-level arts for adults, Artists of Utah prides itself on being arguably the most comprehensive and enduring statewide collection of on-going Utah literary news, excerpts, features, reviews, interviews, and book awards.
Lightscatter Press
Lightscatter Press is an independent nonprofit literary press, with 501(c)(3) status pending. The press seeks to preserve and extend the material, tactile experience of the printed, bound text through beautiful, innovative design that integrates digital artifacts and experiences created for and with the printed text. Lightscatter Press publishes the work of writers whose writing diffracts as it meets the world, finding life and light in multiple mediums. The press’s books aim to engage readers at multiple points and through multiple modes of access: auditory, visual, spatial, gestural, and alphabetic. Every book will trigger multiple acts and sites of reading, a model that the press articulates as the book and, or the book plus: the book launches both its textual self as well as multimedia artifacts and experiences that expand the worlds in which the reader can encounter the text.
Red Butte Press
Established in 1984 when premiere Bay Area printers, Lewis and Dorothy Allen offered an 1846 Columbian hand press to the J. Willard Marriott Library, Red Butte Press honors and extends the traditions of fine press printing, producing finely crafted, limited editions. The Press is committed to contemporary dialogue, publishing essays focused on the western states as well as the best in modern fiction and poetry. Housed in the J. Willard Marriott Library at the University of Utah, Red Butte Press commissions original artwork, uses quality paper and binding materials, and prints letterpress to make each book a reflection of its contents.
Signature Books
Signature Books was founded in 1981 to promote the study of Mormonism at its intersection with American history. Over the years we have created a unique literary repertoire—publishing biographies, documentary histories, personal essays, poetry, regional history, fiction, and humor. What began as an outlet for Mormon history left unpublished by other presses now represents the best in Utah literature.
Sugar House Review
Sugar House Review is an independent, 501(c)(3) nonprofit poetry publisher based out of Utah. Our mission is to promote an eclectic range of poets through publishing and live events to build nationally connected literary communities and foster the literary arts in Utah. Sugar House Review was founded in 2009 by John Kippen, Nano Taggart, Jerry VanIeperen, and Natalie Young. At the time, it was the only independent, print poetry journal in Utah. Sugar House is a neighborhood within Salt Lake City, named after the sugar beet factory of the Deseret Manufacturing Company (1851–1855).
Torrey House Press
Founded in 2010, Torrey House Press is based in Salt Lake City and Torrey, Utah. The mission of Torrey House is to identify exceptional writers, nurture their work, and engage the widest possible audience; to publish diverse voices with transformative stories that illuminate important facets of the American West and our ever-changing planet; to develop literary resources for the conservation movement, educating and entertaining readers, inspiring action. As an independent nonprofit publisher we believe that culture is changed through conversation and that lively contemporary literature is the cutting edge of social change. We believe that by building and engaging community in conversation around landscape and literature, we make our contribution to, as Wallace Stegner hoped for, a “society to match the scenery.”
University of Utah Press
Founded in 1949 by University president A. Ray Olpin, the University of Utah Press is the oldest press in Utah. The University of Utah Press currently publishes in the following general subject areas: anthropology, archaeology, Mesoamerican studies, American Indian studies, linguistics, natural history, nature writing, Utah and Western history, Mormon studies, Utah and regional guidebooks, and regional titles. The Press employs seven full-time staff members and publishes between 25 and 30 titles per year. The Press has more than 550 titles currently in print.
Utah State University Press
Utah State University Press specializes in writing studies (rhetoric and composition), folklore, natural history, and environmental justice. A refereed scholarly publisher, the University Press of Colorado, including the Utah State University Press imprint, publishes forty to forty-five new titles each year, with the goal of facilitating communication among scholars and providing the peoples of the state and region with a fair assessment of their histories, cultures, and resources. Our mission is to advance and disseminate knowledge globally by publishing significant scholarly works and making them accessible. The Press has extended the reach and reputation of our supporting institutions and has made scholarship of the highest level in many diverse fields widely available. Vital also to our mission is publication for a broader community, including students, who use our books in their studies, and general readers, who find in them enjoyment as well as enlightenment.